Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidanceChoosing the right path to earn a living is one of the foremost important decision we make in our life. The quality of this decision by far defines our life as a whole, cause if you are happy working, you are growing, and growth denotes more prosperity. Also on the other hand the happier you are at work the more content you are adding happiness in your personal lives too!
In simple words your professional and personal lives are interlinked and define your entire life. This being such an important decision, a perfect mentoring becomes indispensable. Only an adequately qualified expert would be able to guide right assessing multiple dimensions to establish a convergence and zero down on the perfect career path!
With an infinite array of career options available and each personality being so unique, an expert who understands both the science and the art of establishing a right career path becomes the quintessence!
Career counselors help the students understand the various career paths that they can opt for, and how they can pursue them. Career counselors help them understand their own strengths and weaknesses with regard to their present course or profession, and let s them know what career they would be suited for.
Career counselors use aptitude and achievement assessments, to help clients evaluate their interests, skills and abilities.yhry evaluate client s background, education and training to help them develop realistic goals.
Career counselor develop therapeutic relationships with their cliets,aiding the clients the comfort and confidence to share their dilemmas and problems. Career counselors help the clients define realistic goals and frame a path that sets them in the journey to achieve them.
Career counselors also create for the clients, room for self-exploration. They also understand the job market which they use to guide their clients to the best result yielding path for them. Career counselors help the clients to turn their life themes into career goals.
Trained/Expert career counselors know the right process and structure to guide someone. They are bound by the rules of counseling, hence they will provide you with unbiased and client centric approach.
Expert career counselor will also guide you to find right solution keeping your circumstances in perspective. They tend to be ethical.
Career guidance is a very important activity that’s best when done at the earliest stage in life. Career counsellors are well equipped with all the knowledge and skills that can help groom and shape you in the appropriate career path alongside guide and motivate you to select the career that’s best as per your skills, abilities, learning style, personality and attributes. A career professional also supports you in irradiating stress and apprehension that may be caused due to wastage of precious time and money in inappropriate career choice that one realises after investing several years in wrong career path.
Secondly a career counsellor is unbiased, non-judgemental and have scientific approach to guide you on right career choice. Professional guidance taken at early stage enable the students and their parents to plan finance and other support system.
Vibha Gandhi, Certified Career Analyst