Can you suggest which are the highest paid jobs 2020?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 4th of April 2020

career counselling career guidance

21 Answers

NuSkillz Academy | Corporate Trainer & Mento...

7th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Artificial Intelligence


Data Science

Pilot ( Limited Opportunities )



Online Marketing ( Digital )

Career Counselor.



Ankit Agrawal

5th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Following are highest payed jobs in 2020

Data science

Artificial intelligence

Investment Banker

Actuarial Science

Medical Science 

Chartered Accountant 

Internet of things



5th of April 2020

????? ?????

Indu Singh | PhD, MA (Psychology & Eng...

22nd of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Highest Paying Jobs in 2020:

  1. Acting
  2. Modeling
  3. Politicians
  4. IT Professionals of Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft etc. 
  5. Media Professionals
  6. Entrepreneurs
  7. Commercial Pilots
  8. Robotics and AI Professionals
  9. Civil Services
  10. Doctors
  11. Merchant Navy
  12. Finance analysts
  13. Marketing 
  14. Software developers
  15. Scientists
  16. Nurses




Jayshree gahlot

22nd of April 2020

Social service

Jayshree gahlot

22nd of April 2020

Social service

Aiswarya Sundarajan | B.E, M.E, PGDPPTTC, CCA...

7th of April 2020 | 2 Likes

The following are the highest paid professions(2020) according to me

6.Data scientists, professionals
8.Digital Marketeers
10. Online Tutors
11. Machine learning professionals
12. Robotics Engineers
13. Teachers
14. Chartered Accountants

Aiswarya Sundarajan | B.E. ( Bachelor of Engine...

29th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


It is very easy to answer,

I can search in Google and write it down but it is not the right way to answer.

After corona virus crisis everything will change.

It is not a good way to choose a career also. My answer is very straight

I want to earn more money.

  1. Find out the career that matches with your strengths.
  2. Find out the career that matches with your vision and mission
  3. Try to build a team around your vision.
  4. Take leadership n the responsibility for your leaders ship.
  5. Sometimes your team will go away from you,
  6. Create new team with the same mission.
  7. Take the pain of failures.                          You may have great career in finally you might have great income.  You are welcome to take my online course self Discovery  to know more about your strengths and weaknesses. 
  8. Be ready to take my personal coaching and be ready to take the criticism because I am very hard on my clients and students.
  9. I do it because I want to give them the best that I have.
